Algorithms and Data Capture Why We Hire the Smarte...
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Algorithms and Data Capture: Why We Hire the Smartest People


Algorithms are becoming as commonplace as cell phones; maybe even more so. Hardly a day goes by that tech news, and even the evening news, don’t have something to say about algorithms and their impact on the modern world. So what, exactly, is an algorithm and why is it so important?

What are Algorithms?

Algorithms consist of bits of programming language used for calculation, data capture and processing, and automated reasoning. They make up the step-by-step, mathematical instructions that guide the calculations used by computers of all kinds. From your microwave and cell phone, to the automated manufacturing that built your car, to the International Space Station, algorithms guide the circuits and programming that surround us. The bright minds of computer scientists around the world create and launch these informational wonders.

The emergence of algorithms, and their use with automation, date back to the amazing Alan Turing and his work with computational theory. Turing's work during World War II resulted in the machine which ultimately broke the German Enigma code. The 2014 movie The Immitation Game chronicled Turing's struggles and ultimate success at cracking the impenetrable code.

How are Algorithms Used?

At Code, algorithms, in part, make us successful. In barcoding, two components work together for reading a barcode: the barcode scanning tool, and the algorithms that make it work. The barcode scanner comes in different types: from pen-type readers to laser scanners, to camera-based, to CCD readers, or omni-directional scanners. Each of these fits a niche in the role of scanning. None of these works without the accompanying software to make sense of what’s being scanned. The software, driven by algorithms, makes sense of the lines, squares, and dots captured by the scanner.

Much like other types of software, the algorithms used for scanning require precision and reliability time after time. The algorithms developed by Code trace their evolution from Alan Turing’s work during WWII. They read and interpret a code that contains valuable data.

Barcodes hold a wide range of data. Names, addresses, values for goods, medical information, instructions for use, destinations, dates, and much more can be contained within those lines, squares, and dots. Using the barcode to store large amounts of information in a small, easy to read space saves both time and money, and they work as a security measure as well. In order to access the details contained within the printed barcode, you need a barcode scanner with the proper software. The hardware captures the image, but the software – specifically the algorithm – changes the image into meaningful information.

Do Algorithms Make Barcode Scanning Better?

Many of the imaging software programs for barcode readers have a limited range and ability. A high percentage of scanners read only a few of the existing barcodes styles. Others can interpret a greater percentage of barcodes, but they struggle to read torn, faded, or misprinted labels, or labels on curved or reflective surfaces.

Code’s product development team creates a broad offering of scanners designed to meet the needs of healthcare, manufacturing, inventory management, OEM, retail, and more. Each scanner is optimized to provide the most efficient scanning for the circumstances. When we integrate Code algorithms with our software, the combination results in unbeatable quality and results tailored to meet the needs of our clients. We hold more than 100 different patents in barcoding technology. Dr. Ming Lei, our VP of Technology, holds a Doctoral degree in Science, System Science, and Mathematics.

Code Excels at Algorithms

We bring innovation, expertise, and more than 20 years of experience to bear on all our products. We create unique solutions to our customers’ needs and set the standards for barcode use across different industries. Try a free, no-obligation demo of our barcoding solutions and compare them to our competitors. You'll see first-hand how our experience and the experts we hire make Code superior to other players.

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