What Is the Big Scanning Deal?
Scannabis: Barcode Scanner Fit, Form, Function–and TECHNOLOGY
Not all barcode scanners are created equal, plain and simple.
There are a lot of different types of barcode scanners, and companies that produce them. So how do you decide what you need? Well, you do just a little bit of research. Before you purchased your business software, safe, processing equipment, and so on, I am betting you did your due diligence.
Did you know that there are barcode scanning solutions that do more than scan a UPC check-out code? One example is the Code Reader™5025 a scanner that can check out your customer’s purchase and also be used for age verification. What about the new Federally mandated Real ID? Most scanners are not able to read this complex PDF417 code format. The right barcode scanners powered by the best decoding technology can. Not only can the CR5025 read this complex barcode format and parse the information into your system so employees never have to type out a single thing–advanced versions can even notify employees if a license is expired or the patron is underage. A nice double-check to have in such a regulated space.
Looking for complete mobility at your dispensary?
Then Bluetooth connectivity, a keyboard wedge, or software scanning app integration (from Code's CortexDecoder software brand) could also be an option. The key takeaway here is that the scanning technology (be it hardware or software based) is what makes the difference in purchasing a solution or a band-aid. The same holds true for all aspects of your cannabis business when you do the research you ensure that the investment you make can offer a solution that makes your job easier and your business more efficient.
No matter your system or your state, you have to track your product from the time it sprouts, or as soon as it enters your doors. There can be no gap in custody. When there are issues with barcode quality, including dirt or damage, light, color, or code contrast, the barcode decoding technology can make the job easy or render the device useless. Code has spent decades perfecting its decoding algorithm. Data capture and decoding is all we do. Where other companies split their time, energy, and money being all things to everyone, we remain hyper-focused on delivering the best decoding technology, and it shows.
Barcodes have been around for decades.
Early on, businesses struggled with inconsistency and inefficiency. The tendency for human error made inventory and check-out a tedious process. With profits parading out the front door, barcode solutions offered business the ability to optimize workflows and retain profits. Who would have thought that such a little thing could make such a big difference? Barcodes can be coded to hold all sorts of information, not just a string of numbers, but names, dates, and even executable code. High quality, feature-rich barcode readers can also perform macro tasks for you, parsing information into various fields and pages within your programs–executing commands and even validating information.
Let’s talk solutions.
In the end, it is essential to understand what your business needs and where it is going. Barcodes might be 1D, but moderns IDs, QR codes used in customer loyalty, and future labels will require advanced 2D functionality. Purchasing a barcode scanner with the built-in ability to decode any barcode symbology with zero-miss efficiency only makes sense. To plan for the future with the single best purchase, or be forced into buying twice. Compare prices and see, the future-proof data capture answer starts with Code.