Track, Trace & Verify COVID-19 Vaccines with Code Readers
In healthcare, tracking, tracing, and verifying vaccines can be a complicated and vulnerable process. With the staggering volumes and variety of shipments moving from production facilities worldwide to pharmacies, clinics, and labs, making sure that the correct supplies get where they need to be can be difficult and stressful. Utilizing industry-trusted, high-performance barcode scanners and software is paramount for ensuring patient safety and accuracy throughout this process.

that withstand harsh chemicals -no cracking or discoloring.
Code Corporation offers purpose-built, enterprise-level scanning hardware and software that will help improve the efficiency of COVID-19 vaccine distribution.
Track Vaccines Easily
Healthcare providers need to administer and track vaccines efficiently. With the public expectation of a fast-paced rollout and the requisite protection of individuals, medical workers need equipment that can quickly and reliably gather information so that they can focus intently on patient care. It's crucial that vaccines are administered and tracked right the first time.
Code readers ensure that patient doses can be given quickly and tracked reliably.
Code's disinfectant-ready readers will withstand the harsh chemicals used in healthcare to clean and sanitize thanks to industry-exclusive plastic. This capability means that healthcare professionals won't have to worry about damaging readers during sanitation. Nurses and doctors can then transport readers in and out of patients' rooms without worry""harmful bacteria and viruses won't hitch a ride on these healthcare tools.
Trace Vaccines Accurately
Tracing a vaccine from production and shipping to the pharmacy is a delicate yet complicated process. For patient safety, it is imperative that doses are well documented and aren't misplaced. Much of the effectiveness of a vaccine rollout relies on accurate IDs and the successful match-up between records and vaccines.
Integrating Code readers into a lab and pharmacy's workflow significantly reduces the likelihood of misidentified doses, improving both distribution speed and accuracy. Code's Bluetooth-capable readers can transmit data from patient IDs to devices like a mobile printer without chaotic cables or cords. Mobile printers can be used to print unique barcode labels for pharmacy workers to stick onto vials and record sheets to trace important information and updates while keeping patient information unified and organized.
Code readers don't rely on manual entry for sensitive data; they read barcodes automatically and parse data into streamlined formats for nurses and doctors.
Verify Vaccines Confidently
In order to efficiently track and trace vaccine doses, medical teams need to verify the right patient receives the right dose at the right time. To accomplish this, doctors need a system that categorizes patient information and organizes vaccines appropriately. Since most of this patient information is highly sensitive and private, the federal government strictly regulates how pharmacies track and verify vaccine doses. For this reason, healthcare teams must be extremely meticulous in using equipment and software to protect their patient information.
Code readers allow pharmacy staff to scan vaccine data and transmit it into the most commonly used health information software (HIS) solutions. With patient information just a few clicks away, nurses and doctors can determine the volume of doses to take and the results will be recorded on the desktop computer or mobile device.

vaccine distribution from manufacturing and shipping
to inoculation in clinics, pharmacies, and hospitals.
Code readers readily adapt to multiple HIS types via JavaScript. Scanning, organizing, and reading data doesn't get much easier.
Manage Distribution Efficiently
Code readers offer the healthcare industry the best solution for managing the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Tracking, tracing, and verifying are integral parts of a lab and pharmacy staff's daily workflow. Code's proven, zero-miss line of barcode scanners developed specifically for healthcare make this process smooth, simple, and reliable.
Ready to fortify your vaccine supply chain?
Contact a Code scanning specialist at 801-495-2200 or to learn about the right hardware and software solutions for your operation.